
One Driver Arrested for Vehicular Manslaughter According to Reports By a Queens Car Accident Lawyer

Two New York Police officers were injured in Bronx crash when a drunk driver struck two cars at an intersection at White Plains and Gun Hill Roads. One of the cars was an unmarked police car according to New York Car Accident Lawyers. Two officers and the driver of the second vehicle were injured at approximately 11:30 PM.

Approximately fifteen minutes later, the driver who was thought to have been drinking hit another car near Central Park Avenue near McLean Avenue. The occupants of the second crash were a sixty-five year old man and his sixty-three year old wife. The man was killed and his wife was hospitalized. The driver was arrested and charged with vehicular manslaughter reports a New York Car Accident Lawyer.

The man charged in the accident was originally charged with DWI but the charges were upgraded to manslaughter.

If there is injury which is a part of the car accident, you will certainly need a New York Injury Lawyer to help you defend yourself or on the other side get you the award or reimbursement to which you are entitled. This is a must when injury occurs as the result of a car accident.

Stephen Bilkis & Associates with its New York Car Accident Lawyers has convenient locations throughout the NY area including Forrest Hills, NY. Our attorneys can provide you with advice about personal injury caused by someone else’s negligence. Not having a New York Car Accident Lawyer means you will not be aware of your rights and will be at a definite disadvantage.

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