
National Guard Troops Save Man and Woman after Car Accident

National Guard troops pulled a man and woman from a car moments before it caught on fire. The vehicle hit the center divider on the highway and overturned. National Guard troops were on the same road traveling to Buckley Air Force Base when they spotted the overturned car. The man and woman involved did not sustain any serious injuries. Police are currently investigating the incident and plan on issuing the driver a ticket. The incident caused traffic to back up for a few hours while clean-up crews came to remove the vehicle, reports a New York Car Accident Attorney.

After rescuing the man and woman, the men performed first aid using materials they had from a combat first aid kit. The accident happened early Sunday morning. No other vehicles were involved and no other injuries have been reported. Witnesses to the accident reported the National Guard troops were able to save the man and woman and attend to any wounds present before medical help arrived, noted a New York Injury Lawyer. The man and woman were being well cared for by the time paramedics arrived on the scene.

It is unclear where the man and woman were going when the accident occurred. The vehicle was traveling southbound on Airport Boulevard in Aurora, Colorado when it hit the center divider. Law enforcement officials are continuing their investigation to determine the cause of the accident. Vehicle malfunction and motorist error are common causes for these types of accidents, a NYC Car Accident Lawyer explained.

Luckily, the National Guard troops were traveling on the same stretch of road as the couple. If no one had been around to help them, the man and woman may not have escaped uninjured. With few motorists on the road that early in the morning, the couple could have remained trapped in the vehicle. It is unclear if the driver will face additional charges or if this will be considered an accident without holding the driver legally responsible since no other vehicles were involved, according to a New York City Injury Lawyer. Further investigation will be needed to determine whether the drive should face other charges.

Stephen Bilkis & Associates with its New York Car Accident Lawyers has many offices throughout the NY area including Great Neck, NY. Our attorneys can give you advice about personal injury caused by another’s negligence. Without a NY Car Accident Lawyer you will not be cognizant of all your rights and could be at a disadvantage.Meet with a New York Automobile Accident Attorney to discuss your case. A New York Car Accident Attorney will provide the best options based on your circumstances.

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