
Former New York City Police Commissioner allegedly hits a woman with his SUV- so says a New York Car Accident Lawyer

Former Police Commissioner Howard Safir has been accused of backing into a pedestrian and driving off. Safir was the commissioner of the New York City Police Department from 1996-2000. Safir was driving his SUV on 3rd Ave. near East 81st Street in Manhattan when he backed into a 7 months pregnant woman. She was able to take down the license plate number to give to police after the accident. She was taken to the hospital for her injury. She was treated for a bruised shoulder. The unborn child appears to have not suffered any injury from the accident. No felonycharges have not been filed against Safir yet.

If you suffer an injury because of someone else’s negligence, you will need an aggressive New York Injury Lawyer. Stephen Bilkis & Associates has New York Car Accident Lawyers ready to help you get the compensation you deserve for your injury. We have convenient office locations in New York City, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Nassau and Suffolk County. Our New York Car Accident Lawyers offer a free consultation at 1-800-NYNY-LAW (1-800-696-9529). Call us today to take advantage of this free opportunity to discuss your case and injury.

Stephen Bilkis & Associates with its New York Car Accident Lawyers has convenient locations throughout the NY area including Haberman, NY. Our attorneys can provide you with advice about personal injury caused by someone else’s negligence. Without a NY Car Accident Lawyer you will not know all your rights and may be at a great disadvantage.

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