
Driver Recovers from Accident as He Mourns Wife and Dad

An East Northport man was released from the hospital only to spend his day grieving. He has suffered injuries in a car accident which had killed his wife and father on the Northern State Parkway, family friends told a New York Injury Lawyer.

A spokesman for Winthrop University Hospital confirmed to a New York Car Accident Lawyer that the man had been driving his car to a wedding rehearsal when it went off the road and ran into a tree. He was released from the hospital two days later. His 12-year-old son has also been in the car and was released from a different hospital that day.

The family is “just grieving at this time”, a family spokesman told a New York Injury Lawyer. The crash occurred on the westbound parkway west of Willis Avenue in Searingtown, and killed the man’s wife, 49, and his father, 87.

New York Car Accident Lawyers have learned that “an initial investigation indicates [the driver] lost control of his vehicle and ran off of the roadway, onto the shoulder and into the wood line, striking a large tree before coming to rest.”

A car accident is always a disruption in life, even when no one is hurt. With the help of a New York Car Accident Attorney, you can smooth out that disruption much more easily. You can put the disruption behind you more quickly, if you have a New York Injury Attorney on your side.

Stephen Bilkis & Associates with its New York Car Accident Lawyers has convenient locations throughout the NY area including Bay Park, NY. Our attorneys can give you advice about personal injury caused by another’s negligence. Without a NY Car Accident Lawyer you will not be cognizant of all your rights and could be at a great disadvantage.

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