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Alcohol caused Tragic Accident on Route 95


Police have handed a report to a radio station stating that they suspect a fatal traffic accident was caused by alcohol. The driver of one of the cars involved in the crash was charged with a DUI offence.

According to the report, the crash occurred at around 10:40 PM yesterday. The police were very fast to respond to the traffic incident which involved two cars. The crash happened on Route 95 just to the south of Exit 32. One person was killed and a few other people were injured by the accident.

The police investigation has shown that the driver of a Pontiac Grand Am was being driven by a woman who is intoxicated. She was also carrying two passengers. The drunk driver turned left very quickly which caused her to cut up another vehicle. The other vehicle was being driven by a 20 year old female and there was a 19 year old passenger in the car. Due to the drunk driver swerving the other car hit into it.

All of the occupants of both vehicles were sent to hospital for treatment of their injuries, explains the doctor. However, one later died as a result of serious injuries. The person that died was sitting in the rear of the car which is where the drunk driver’s car crashed into.

Police have since charged the driver from Brooklyn of the first vehicle with DUI. They have also charged her with operating on a suspended drivers license and also negligent operation of a car.

The state police are continuing to investigate the actual cause of the crash and are currently analyzing all the facts to try and determine what happened. They are currently looking at whether more criminal charges should be filed against anyone involved in the accident.

The affected section of Route 95 was shut down for around an hour to allow rescue crews to remove the passengers and drivers from both vehicles. The right lanes were opened shortly after the people had been sent to hospital in The Bronx. The entire Route 95 was opened again at around 1:50 AM.

Being charged with a traffic offence can be very stressful for you and your family. Hiring a New York Car Accident Lawyer is a good way to make it much easier to do. You will find that by talking to a New York Car Accident Lawyer you will be able to reduce the chances of being found guilty.

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