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Four children under the age of 7 seriously injured in a car crash Monday


Four children were seriously injured in a truck and car accident on Monday, said an . The driver of the car and mother of the four children was only slightly injured.

An investigator described the oldest child, who is 10, as the most severely injured in the crash. The boy was rushed to the hospital quickly from the scene. The other children were six, two and one and were admitted to the hospital and also listed in serious condition.

This was a terrible accident that sounds like it could have been avoided. In the initial reports it looks like the police think the mother was driving too fast and didn’t break in time to stop the accident.

The went on to say that the mother had been driving rather quickly along the road and a truck in front of her had gotten stuck in traffic. The mother allegedly didn’t notice the truck had stopped and abruptly smashed into it. Police said there were no tire tracks on the road indicating she had slammed on her breaks. This is an example of distracted driving.

There will be an investigation before any charges are filed against the mother. So far, it doesn’t look good and it’s too bad because she has a lot on her plate with such young children with what looks like very severe injuries.

One witness, who was reportedly at the scene of the car accident, said that the woman’s car hit the truck at a very “high speed,” and went on to describe the accident scene as very bloody.

“That woman didn’t seem to notice the truck in front of her at all,” the witness said. “It was very scary to watch that accident happen and see all the blood all over the place. I really hope those kids are ok,” she added.

Once the witness dialed 911, it took only a few minutes for emergency vehicles to arrive at the scene. Police in New York City as well as Long Island are looking for signs of distracted driving like drivers on cell phones.

The truck driver that was involved in the crash was unavailable for comment.

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